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The Art of Practicing Chinese Medicine

This is an unframed original art print reflecting the 12 primary acupuncture meridians or channels in the centuries old system of Chinese medicine, plus the Ren (conception vessel) and Du (governing vessel). It also shows the 5 Element cycle (fire, earth, metal, water, wood), the 6 stage pairings (tai yang, shao yang, yang ming, tai yin, jue yin, shao yin) and has a line listing of some commonly used "Big Picture" points like the Yuan Source, Luo, Xi-Cleft, Command, Influential and Empirical points. The front mu and back shu points are also color coded to show which organ systems they correlate with.


The size is 25" x 36"


This has been offset printed on a "natural" colored (slightly offwhite) vellum paper. It is a thinner stock than the 17" x 22" options, and relaxes from being rolled into a poster tube a bit easier. It has a slightly "vintage" feel to it, the color is muted in a very attractive way. 


Packed and sent protected by tissue paper and rolled into a poster tube. Sustainable packing materials are used as much as possible.


FRAME OPTIONAL - the frame is a 25” teak wood magnetic poster frame. Some variation may occur in wood grain.


Free domestic shipping!

Meridian Chart 25" x 36"


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